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Who we are


Our practice is derived from Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg ... writing spontaneously .

Pictured on left: CCW President, Jean Gabardi, guest speaker, Write Time Radio.

On right is our first Salida Art Walk, 2021! Pictured: Laurel McHargue, Linda Ditchkus, Jean Gabardi.

16 authors and members of CCW entered the fun.

Laurel, Linda, jean_2.jpg





CCW Sponsors monthly morning writing sessions and semi-annual workshops. Join our email list for updates and notifications about our events. Visit our Event Calendar so see what is happening this month!


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The Central Colorado Writers organization 
fosters writing and encourages publication
through the sharing of resources
and information.



Based in central Colorado, the Central Colorado Writers (CCW) organization provides members with an opportunity to socialize and learn from others who have similar interests in writing and publishing.

CCW sponsors recurring writing sessions (WE Write) and workshops led by noted authors. We also exchange information about resources and activities for writers. We post information about our members' publications and achievements and provide links to their websites.


The Writers Exchange started in 1995 with nine members. Until 2002 we were affiliated with the Chaffee County Council on the Arts (CCCA). When the CCCA restructured and became the Arkansas Valley Art Council, our organization separated from the parent organization and obtained our own identity as the Chaffee County Writers Exchange. In 2023, after recognizing our group had spread well beyond the county boundaries, we reorganized into the Central Colorado Writers.


Our group now has about 75 members and 170 subscribers. Writers from outside Chaffee County are also welcome to participate in our activities. We are on Zoom and

can "go" anywhere!


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