Write with us
These morning writing sessions are free and open to the public. Usually on Monday or Saturday on Zoom. Each session has time allotted at start for general discussion, writing updates, events. We start at 9 a.m. and are always done by 12 noon. See Calendar page for dates. The opportunity to read your writing is encouraged with no critique! (more)
The workshops are open to members and non-members. Attendance may be limited and we require reservation with payment on your RSVP. Members always receive advance notice and a discount on every workshop. Workshops are held on Saturdays and are on Zoom ... (more)
NEW FOR YOU: Included in your CCW Membership! National Novel Writing Month, is “a community, a wildly ambitious writing event — and so much more" during the month of November each year.
NaNoWriMo challenges participants to write 50,000 words of a novel in the 30 days of November. Laurel McHargue, CCW Membership Chairperson, will provide mentorship for the month ... whether you already have a work in progress or are playing with a seed of an idea.
Scholarships for CCW workshops may be available for members. If you have a financial need please contact us at ccwe.writers@gmail.com
CCW Members may receive a scholarship if your membership is in good-standing during the current membership year, May 1 to April 30th of the following year.
NEW FOR YOU: Included in your CCW Membership! We've heard your cries for help! The CCW is forming a FREE Critique Group. Critique sessions twice a month.
This on-line group meets twice per month on Wednesday evenings (see CCW calendar for all dates!).
By Sunday prior to the meeting, post your submission (3,000 words maximum) to Google. You have three days to review/provide written feedback on three submissions and, in return, you will receive three reviews on your work! At the on-line (Zoom) meeting, you will give/receive feedback.
Contact our Member at Large, Linda Ditchkus here for more information!
CCW Members receive benefits, including discounts on workshops, by-weekly critique sessions led by Linda Ditchkus, mentoring of the November NaNoWriMo by a CCW published author, promotion of author websites /published works, and special year-end members' events. book exchange, (more)